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Retro Map pack

7 years 3 months ago #9659 by =HOG= Dogfart
Replied by =HOG= Dogfart on topic Retro Map pack
All those posting Pro's and Con's on this question are equally correct. However, on balance, more maps is a good thing for PR. Why the new maps aren't part of the update is a full on mystery to me. But, if no one plays them why should the Dev's create more?

What's missing is:
1) awareness among the PR community that the new maps even exist. (both vet's and new comers)
A: Ex: scrolling messages, "Hey, did you know there are more maps available?"
2) info on where to grab the maps
A: go to www.whereverthedownloadis.com

Implementation into map vote/rotation

EX scrolling message: "HOG will continuosly poll playing community until critical mass (say, 80%?) has been achieved before making the new maps part of the permanant rotation...if you want new maps do your part and get the download"

Q: At the end of every round there's 2-3 minutes of static scoreboard display...can the messages be scrolled (or pasted) during that period?
7 years 3 months ago - 7 years 3 months ago #9670 by fenneclat
Replied by fenneclat on topic Retro Map pack

we took out the retro maps, dont put them in the vote anymore as you will not be able to load them.

Nooo. Street @ 100 players :'(
Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by fenneclat.
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